Frequently Asked Questions

Does it cost to join REMC?

Yes, all new applicants are required to pay a $25 refundable membership. When a person moves off of the Rural Electric Membership Corporation (REMC) system, the $25 membership is refunded by being applied to their last electric bill.

How much will it cost to have a new service installed?

The cost is determined on a case-by-case basis. Please call for an appointment and an REMC employee will meet with you at the proposed service location. We will give you new service information, cost details and other important information.

Do you offer a budget billing plan?

Yes, we offer a budget billing plan for members who have lived at the property for 12 months. See details below.

Budget billing:

  • Same amount is due each month
  • Current resident must have lived at the property for 12 months
  • Budget amount is recalculated once a year

Please call us at (800) 248-8413 or email us if you are interested in budget billing.

What is a wholesale power cost adjustment tracker (PCAT)?

A power cost adjustment tracker is a mechanism that follows or "tracks" some varying costs that a utility might incur in providing service to consumers.

What are these unpredictable costs? Utilities use trackers for various costs, including fuel, environmental requirements and purchased power above estimated levels that are projected for a given period. If costs fall, the tracker declines and can even become negative, so you would see a bill credit. The tracker amount is multiplied times the kilowatt-hours used.